Board of Advisors

Yaakov Waksman, Ph.D.

Dr. Waksman is well known for his work under the supervision of Prof. Raphael Mechoulam at the Department of Natural Products, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. Waksman also spent time in his post-doctorate studies at the Department of Microbiology & Immunology at the Medical College of Virginia (VCU). In his studies, Dr. Waksman examined the effects of cannabinoids on the human immune system.

Throughout Dr. Waksman career he continued his research with all compounds of the Cannabis plant. His research and presentations have included topics such as “The mode of action and therapeutic effects of CBD”, “CBD-Drug interactions”, “The differences between Cannabis dependence and Opioid addiction”, and also researched “Anti-cancer effects of CBG, CBGa, CBN, CBNa, CBC, and CBCa”. On multiple occasions Dr. Waksman has advised various agencies within the Israeli government on all matters related to cannabis compounds, including the Israeli Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Transportation as well as the Israeli Police. . Dr. Waksman has been a key advisor for Gold Natural’s research as well as developing methods to improve our refinement and formulation of Gold Natural’s products. Dr. Waksman and his knowledge and experience to Gold Naturals has been fundamental to our success.

Dr. Waksman received a B.Sc. and a M.Sc. at the Faculty of Agriculture in Rehovot, Israel. Shortly after, he earned his PhD in Biology at the Faculty of Agriculture at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has also held teaching and research fellow positions at the Department of Animal Research, Faculty of Agriculture, Rehovot, and at the Department of Histology, Hematology & Cell Biology, The Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University

Marshall Nickel, MD, MBA, FAAFP

Dr. Nickel is a physician based out of Pinehurst, North Carolina. After Dr. Nickel’s medical training in the Pacific Northwest, he served in the US Army, stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC. He later deployed to Afghanistan with the 101st Airborne Division, Ft. Campbell, KY, as a Battalion Surgeon. Upon returning from his deployment and completing his Military service, Dr. Nickel eventually settled in Pinehurst, joining the Pinehurst Medical Clinic.

Dr. Nickel is constantly reviewing medical journals and publications so he can better serve his patients. He noticed very little peer-reviewed medical articles but saw many CBD brands popping up in his community. Patients started asking Dr. Nickel about this new supplement and if it would help them. Federal regulation prevents Dr. Nickel from advising on the medical benefits of hemp products, but many patients have said it’s helped for different ailments. It was during this time that Dr. Nickel was introduced to Gold Naturals, where he has advised the company on the importance of quality and compliance.

Dr. Nickel received a B.S. in Spanish from Brigham Young University, his M.B.A. from University of Alabama at Birmingham, and his M.D. from the American University of Integrative Health Sciences School of Medicine.

Lance Moses, Ph.D.

Dr. Moses is an analytical chemist who has spent his career focused on improving quality, processes, and applying analytical expertise to countless projects. Dr. Moses currently works in the lithium industry for a global specialty chemicals company as a Lead Quality and Analytical Chemist. Not only is Dr. Moses focused on quality and control, but he has been involved with various aspects of his company, including R&D, production, as well as global operations with marketing and sales.

Dr. Moses’ insight and expertise is instrumental to Gold Naturals, particularly as CBD is an industry that is still not regulated by the FDA or any other federal agency. Dr. Moses has helped ensure that Gold Naturals follows best practices and is compliant with potential future regulatory frameworks that hemp may be subject to in the future. Although working with plants introduces natural variability, Dr. Moses continues to help set parameters and controls to ensure consistency for efficacious products.

Dr. Moses received his B.S. in Neuroscience and his PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Brigham Young University.